Note to self: If adding a Windows 8.1 computer to a SAMBA domain fails with the error "The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted" the following changes to the Registry might help: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters] ; Enable NT-Domain compatibility mode ; Default: ; [value not present] ; … Continue reading Adding a Windows 8.1 computer to a SAMBA domain
Month: June 2017
Calling GExperts Grep (or an entry point in any Delphi dll) via rundll32.exe
GExperts so far comes with a special stand alone executable GExpertsGrep that does nothing else but load the GExperts dll and call the entry point ShowGrep. Having this additional executable isn't really necessary because Windows already comes with a tool that does exactly that: Load a DLL and call an entry point: rundll32.exe rundll32 path\to\your.dll,EntryPoint … Continue reading Calling GExperts Grep (or an entry point in any Delphi dll) via rundll32.exe
Error regarding rtl240.bpl not found in stand alone version of GExperts Grep
Various people have reported an error message regarding rtl240.bpl not being found when calling the stand alone version of GExperts Grep. I could never reproduce it but my recent insight on SaveLoadLibrary now also solved that one: The stand alone version of GExperts Grep tries to load any GExperts dll, regardless which version. The idea … Continue reading Error regarding rtl240.bpl not found in stand alone version of GExperts Grep
Do not call SafeLoadLibrary(‘dllname.dll’)
Note to self: Do not call SafeLoadLibrary simply as a replacement for LoadLibrary. It has a second parameter witch is used to call SetErrorMode. That parameter is optional and defaults to SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX which is NOT always what you want. E.g. if the DLL you are loading depends on other DLLs which cannot be loaded, you … Continue reading Do not call SafeLoadLibrary(‘dllname.dll’)
Von wegen “Autofahren ist teuer, fahr doch mit der Bahn!”
Es wird gerne die Behauptung aufgestellt, dass es, wenn man alle Kosten mit einbezieht, teuerer sei mit dem Auto zu fahren als mit der Bahn und öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln. Da ich kein Auto besitze, sollte das auf mich ganz besonders zutreffen, denn ich muss mir ja jedes Mal einen Mietwagen nehmen. Trotzdem ist meine Erfahrung, dass … Continue reading Von wegen “Autofahren ist teuer, fahr doch mit der Bahn!”
Denkzettel Companion 0.0.3 released
I have just released version 0.0.3 of my Denkzettel Companion tool. (It was available from OSDN, but OSDN no longer exists.) This version is nearly feature complete and there are no known bugs.
Denkzettel Companion 0.0.1 released
I have just released an early beta of my Denkzettel Companion tool. (It was available from OSDN, but OSDN no longer exists.) Basic functionality works, but there will be bugs.
dzDebugVisualizers for Delphi 2005, 2006 and 2007
The Delphi Open Tools API introduced Debug Visualizers with Delphi 2010, so people stuck with a pre-Unicode Delphi IDE can not use them. Until now that is. An answer on StackOverflow by MartynA provided me with a starting point, but I used a different approach because I didn't like how getting the value overwrote the … Continue reading dzDebugVisualizers for Delphi 2005, 2006 and 2007