Even after Microsoft abandoned the stupid idea of the Windows 8 start screen and gave us back the start menu in Windows 10 there is still a lot to desire. Of course you can replace the the start menu with a tool like Open Shell (formerly known as Classic Shell) which improves it quite a … Continue reading How to use JumpFolder to create multiple “start menus”
Category: Windows 8.1
Blocking the Windows Screen Saver in Delphi
Sometimes your program needs to block the screen saver from automatically kicking in. My use case was that the program was recording data and whenever the screen saver was active, the data was lost (No idea why, it probably had something to do with the way HID is implemented in Windows.) So I was looking … Continue reading Blocking the Windows Screen Saver in Delphi
VirtualBox and Windows 8.1: This 64-bit application couldn’t load because your PC doesn’t have a 64-bit processor
I just moved a Windows 8.1 installation in Virtual Box from one computer to another. When booting up, Windows told me: This 64-bit application couldn't load because your PC doesn't have a 64-bit processor The host computer is an Intel Xeon CPU which definitely is a 64 bit CPU (the previous computer was an older … Continue reading VirtualBox and Windows 8.1: This 64-bit application couldn’t load because your PC doesn’t have a 64-bit processor
Adding a Windows 8.1 computer to a SAMBA domain
Note to self: If adding a Windows 8.1 computer to a SAMBA domain fails with the error "The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted" the following changes to the Registry might help: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters] ; Enable NT-Domain compatibility mode ; Default: ; [value not present] ; … Continue reading Adding a Windows 8.1 computer to a SAMBA domain
dzEditorLineEndsFix 1.0.3 released
I have released a new version of my dzEditorLineEndsFix tool for Delphi 2006 to 2010. There is only one change: I removed the balloon hint it used to show at startup. It started to annoy the hell out of me (and I'm probably not the only one). The tool also now has its own page … Continue reading dzEditorLineEndsFix 1.0.3 released
Enable Hibernate on Windows 8.x
Note to self: If Hibernate is not available on the shutdown menu and doesn't show up in the configuration either, it can be enabled via the command line: powercfg -h on
Filter multiple criteria in Windows Explorer
Note to self: It is possible to filter on multiple criteria - e.g. extensions - in Windows Explorer by combining them with OR: .txt OR .doc The OR must be written all upper case (AND is also possible). *.txt will not work It will search recursively A semicolon (as in file filters) does not work. … Continue reading Filter multiple criteria in Windows Explorer
WinHlp32 for Windows 8.1
Microsoft dropped support for the old WinHelp (*.hlp) file format in Windows 7 (or was it in Vista?). They provided a download that added the missing WinHlp32.exe (and probably quite a few other files) back so we could display .hlp files again. Today I had the need to do that on Windows 8.1. Unfortunately I … Continue reading WinHlp32 for Windows 8.1
Add a “Scan with Windows Defender” context menu to any folder or file
Windows Defender is the virus scan tool that is included with Windows 8 and later. While it provides basic security it does not have any of the convenience functions that other virus scanners have. In particular I miss a context menu option to scan a file or folder. So I turned to Google and found … Continue reading Add a “Scan with Windows Defender” context menu to any folder or file
Fighting Secure Boot
I have bought an Acer Extensa notebook after reading the under 300 Euros notebooks test in the latest c't magazine where it came up as the winner regarding battery life and the rest wasn't too bad either. I chose the 4 GB model so it won't thrash the hd all the time. The Extensa comes … Continue reading Fighting Secure Boot