Note to self: The command to get connection information for a (Linux based) Samba server is smbstatus. It needs root privileges. e.g. [bash] sudo smbstatus -v | less [/bash]
Category: Samba
When changing your password in a Samba NT domain does not work
I recently set up a Samba Server using Ubuntu 22.04 as an NT domain controller (not Active Directory!). After quite some time fiddling with the settings and finally getting external help it worked. I could successfully add a Windows 10 computer to the domain and then log into it using any of the configured domain … Continue reading When changing your password in a Samba NT domain does not work
Warning: Windows Update KB5028166 breaks NT Domains
Just in case we are not the only ones still using Samba with an NT domain: Windows Update KB5028166 which will automatically be installed on Windows 10 today, breaks compatibility with that domain type. After the installation, a login with a domain account no longer works. Removing that update fixes the issue, but of course … Continue reading Warning: Windows Update KB5028166 breaks NT Domains
User cannot change his Samba AD password from Windows
Note to self: If a user cannot change his password on a Samba AD Domain from a Windows (10) computer getting the following error message: Check that the user didn't already change the password on the same day because the default setting for minimum password age is 1 (day). To change that setting, use samba-tool: … Continue reading User cannot change his Samba AD password from Windows
Adding a Windows 10 computer to a Samba (NT4) domain
Microsoft is trying to force everybody to update from the old NT4 domain system to the "new" (as in "was new >10 years ago") Active Directory system. While that's probably a good idea for most people there are some like me stuck with a working Samba installation that for some reason needs to continue to … Continue reading Adding a Windows 10 computer to a Samba (NT4) domain
If your Samba logon script does not get executed
... even though you can open and read it fine in an editor: You should check its Linux access permissions. If it is not marked as executable, this might be the cause. Change it with chmod like this: [bash] root@server:/home/netlogon$ ls -la total 12 drwxrwxr-x+ 2 root root 4096 Apr 13 09:04 . drwxr-xr-x 46 … Continue reading If your Samba logon script does not get executed
Adding a Windows 8.1 computer to a SAMBA domain
Note to self: If adding a Windows 8.1 computer to a SAMBA domain fails with the error "The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted" the following changes to the Registry might help: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters] ; Enable NT-Domain compatibility mode ; Default: ; [value not present] ; … Continue reading Adding a Windows 8.1 computer to a SAMBA domain
mounting a Samba share
The Linux mount command can also access Samba (Windows) shares, but in contrast to the smbclient command it does not do a Netbios based lookup for machine names. So while smbclient //server/share will work, the corresponding mount -t cifs //server/share /mnt/point will tell you that it can't resolve the host name (unless you add the … Continue reading mounting a Samba share