The method of changing the order of the TabSheets in a PageControl in Delphi is not obvious. Apparently there is no drag and drop support (at least not in Delphi 2007). You have to change the PageIndex property. So, if you want to insert a new page, add it and then change its PageIndex to … Continue reading Changing the order of TabSheets in a PageControl in Delphi
Month: July 2017
Bug in Macro Template expert fixed, yet another Unicode issue in GExperts
As I stated before I prefer good bug reports on GExperts over money any time. Philip von Melle kept testing and providing feedback even after I thought the issue was already solved. The issue was that a Macro Template (%SELECTION) used on this code [delphi] // öäüß procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ShowMessage('TEST'); end; [/delphi] while … Continue reading Bug in Macro Template expert fixed, yet another Unicode issue in GExperts
Consider side effects if you use debugger watches
Note to self: Do not use a watch entry like this while debugging GExperts: GxOtaReadEditorTextToString(GxOtaGetEditReaderForSourceEditor(nil)) While this might seem very convenient it will sooner or later corrupt the current edit buffer or do something even worse, because, as a comment in ToolsApi states: WARNING!!! A IOTAEditReader should never be active at the same time as … Continue reading Consider side effects if you use debugger watches
dzFeedReader 1.0.0 released
dzFeedReader started as a proof of concept, but became actually a usable tool. So, why not make a release available to others? There you go: dzFeedReader 1.0.0 is available from SourceForge. dzFeedReader is a program that can display rss feeds from websites in RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0 format. Its UI is similar … Continue reading dzFeedReader 1.0.0 released
New static page for my Delphi IDE Explorer expert
Since it became rather cumbersome to find the information on my Delphi IDE Explorer expert, which was scattered through multiple blog posts, I have now added a static page for it to my blog which I will keep up to date whenever I change anything in the expert. The sourceforge page now also points to … Continue reading New static page for my Delphi IDE Explorer expert