All my open source project used to be on SourceForge and some of them still are. but I have moved several to OSDN Those that I had moved to OSDN are being moved back to SourceForge because OSDN apparently is dead.
Here is a list which links to the current (as of 2022-09-29) project pages:
- bdsproj2cfg
- This is a simple tool for generating a Delphi project.cfg file from the project.bdsproj file that is maintained by the Delphi 2005/2006 IDE.
- CheckDpr
- tool to check and modify the contents of a Delphi .dpr file
- Delphi Custom Containers Pack
- an integrated tool and component mini-library to produce and maintain composite controls (or simply “composites”) and other containers (forms, data modules and frames). The process of building composite components looks like ActiveForm and Frame creating, but the result is the native VCL component. You can create new composites just as usual forms.(originally by Sergey Orlik)
- Delphi Help Expert
- an expert for Delphi 2005 to 11 which adds additional shortcuts for the F1 button in combination with Shift, Control, Alt and Alt+Control. Each of these combination can be configured to do one of the following actions:
- Open a .HLP file (e.g. the Delphi 7 help file, Note that this needs a the help viewer from Microsoft to work)
- Open a .CHM file
- Open a URL (e.g. a web search for the current keyword)
This project used to be called Delphi7 Help for BDS (Delphi7Help4Bds) because originally it was meant to call the Delphi 7 help files when the Help in later Delphi versions was badly broken.
- Delphi IDE explorer expert
- Expert for Embarcadero Delphi that gives access to internal components. It runs as an expert within the IDE process and the window is always active, even if a different IDE dialog is shown modally.
- Known IDE Packages Manager for Delphi
- Tool to edit, export and import custom entries for the Tools menu in the Delphi IDE.
- Denkzettel Companion
- a Windows companion program for the Android App Denkzettel
- DirectoryCollector
- a simple tool to collect a list of directories by dragging them onto a window and then using that list via clipboard
- dof2cfg
- a simple tool for generating a Delphi project.cfg file from the project.dof file that is maintained by the Delphi 6/7 ide.
- DprojFilter
- a tool to manipulate Delphi .dproj files (or actually: Any text file).
- dz2048
- 2048 clone written in Lazarus
- dzAutoConfig
- dzAutoConfig component package for Delphi
- dzAutoSave
- Delphi IDE expert that automatically saves all changes
- dzBdsLauncher
- Launcher for the Delphi IDE that decides which of multiple IDEs to launch based on name and content of the file passed to it.
- dzBdsScript
- Scripting for Delphi 2007 using Delphi Web Script
- dzBuchstabier
- Tool for spelling in different phonetic alphabets
- dzCalendar
- Web server for a calendar written in Delphi
- dzComputerInfo
- displays computername and username
- dzContextMenu
- dzDebugVisualizer
- a plugin for the Delphi IDE that enhances the “Evaluate and Modify” form as well as the “Watches” window. It adds new modifiers for displaying the result as unquoted (multiline) text and as TDateTime. Currently, it supports Delphi 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2009.
- dzDeleteProp
- Tool to delete properties from Delphi DFM files
- dzDelphiPaths
- reads the settings of various Delphi versions from the registry and displays them.
- dzEditorLineEndsFix
- fix for “Cannot create file %Temp%\EditorLineEnd.ttr”
- dzFeedReader
- a simple RSS reader for Windows written with Lazarus.
- dzFmxFrameRemover
- Delphi XE6 IDE expert that hides the frame around fmx mobile forms
- dzIniFileFormatter
- allows formatting and sorting .INI files based on a template which gives a sort order for known sections and entries. Additional entries will be sorted alphabetically. The results can then be compared to each other much easier.
- dzLargeTextViewer
- a very simple tool for displaying large text files where large means they don’t fit into the 2 GB memory which a 32 bit Windows process can use.
- dzlib + buildtools
- General purpose library and build tools for Delphi These are used in most of my projects by including them as externals.
- dzMdbViewer
- a simple Viewer for MDB files
- dzMouseGestures
- Global mouse gestures for Windows
- dzObjectInspectorFix for Delphi 2007
- fixes an annoyance in Delphi 2007 where the width of the name column in the object inspector shrinks over time
- dzotp
- Simple tool to test OneTimePad tokens as generated by the FreeOTP Android app
- dzPrepBuild for Delphi
- a commandline tool for handling the version information for Delphi projects when compiling using the dcc32.exe commandline compiler. It can also be used as a Pre-Build tool in Delphi 2007 and up.
- dzRadioAlarmClock
- simple audio player using bass.dll which was supposed to evolve into a radio alarm clock later but never did
- dzrssparser
- library for Lazarus for parsing rss feeds in rss v1, rss v2 and atom v1 format. It also contains a test program that requests an rss feed from a url and displays it as a tree view. This parser is used in dzfeedreader.
- dzStartViaRegistry
- Tool that allows to start a program via a registry entry, so the caller does not need to know the installation directory (and the directory doesn’t need to be added to the sarch path)
- dzSyncDpr
- Synchronizes the unit list in Delphi project files
- dzTimer
- simple timer program written in Lazarus
- dzTranslationManager
- small tool to merge translations from various .po files
- dzpackageinst
- a package installer for Delphi 6 to 11
- GExperts
- GNU Gettext for Delphi, C++ and Kylix
- (Not my project but I seem to be the only one left with write access to the svn repository who is still interested.)
- inplaceexewrapper
- a tool that allows calling other tools which change files in place where we don’t want the file to be changed. It copies that file to a temporary location calls the external tool and then copies the changed file to the given output file name.
- PortableAppsToStartMenu
- Tool to synchronize portable apps installed e.g. by (or manually) with the Windows Start Menu.
- Portable Delphi
- Portable Delphi creates a portable Delphi IDE that can be started from e.g. an USB stick. Currently only Delphi 7 personal edition is supported. Note: A valid license is still required. Delphi itself is not part of the project.
- Rx Library for Delphi
- a complete set of components for Borland Delph and C Builder that allow you to build flexible and robush user interfaces and best of all they are totally free. NOTE: This project is in maintenace mode and no longer actively developed.
- XN_Resource_Editor
- (Originally by Colin Wilson)
Most of them are written in Delphi with some Lazarus (for Windows) sprinkled in.
My old homepage still lists other stuff, some of it written in Perl or even ReXX.
And then there is dzChart for Delphi and Kylix which I had totally forgotten about and which apparently has been moved from Berlios to Sourceforge by some robot. Nice to see that apparently Berlios projects didn’t simply disappear when they closed down.