GExperts FAQ: Why does the Grep Results window not remember size and position?

The Grep Results window (and several other windows) can be docked to the IDE. To allow that GExperts does not save their positions and size but lets the IDE do that, which means these settings are part of an IDE desktop. While this can be convenient in the case of a docked window, it can … Continue reading GExperts FAQ: Why does the Grep Results window not remember size and position?

dzBdsLauncher 1.0.14 released

Unfortunately version 1.0.13 of dzBdsLauncher had a bug when called with a Delphi 2007 .dproj file: It correctly detected (or rather assumed) Delphi 2007 but then said it could not detect the Delphi version. That bug is now fixed in the version 1.0.14.

Autocompletion for TEdits fixed for Delphi 11 and later

I wrote about autocompletion for TEdits before here, here and here. My dzlib contains several helper functions to add TEdit-autocompletion for directories, files (with a filter) and generic strings from a string list. All of them worked fine for me and were used in several our internal programs. But that changed when trying them with … Continue reading Autocompletion for TEdits fixed for Delphi 11 and later

SafeGetEnumName a safer implementation of TypInfo.GetEnumName

I just had the need for a safer version of Delphi's GetEnumName, which checks whether the enum value passed to it is actually valid. This is what I came up with: [delphi] // P must point to the length field (that is the first byte) of a ShortString function AfterShortString(const P: Pointer): Pointer; inline; begin … Continue reading SafeGetEnumName a safer implementation of TypInfo.GetEnumName

dzBdsLauncher 1.0.13 released

I just released dzBdsLauncher 1.0.13. If it detects more than one possible Delphi version from the available project information it now checks which of them are installed if only one is installed, it starts this version. If more than one is installed, it asks the user.