Weak references – or why you should enable ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown

I was enhancing my dzMdbViewer tool with a view that shows the table structure rather than the data of the table, when I out of curiosity added ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True; to the source code. I found some memory leaks that were easy to fix (and which I would probably have fixed anyway later when reviewing … Continue reading Weak references – or why you should enable ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown

Adding remote repositories to your mercurial.ini

Among a lot of other things you can add names for remote repositories to your mercurial.ini so you can access them without having to type that long path. This can be quite convenient e.g. [path] dzlib=ssh://twm@hg.code.sf.net/p/dzlib/hgdzmaincode allows me to clone a copy of my dzlib+tools main repository on sourceforge like this: hg clone dzlib dzlib+tools … Continue reading Adding remote repositories to your mercurial.ini