Adding remote repositories to your mercurial.ini

Among a lot of other things you can add names for remote repositories to your mercurial.ini so you can access them without having to type that long path. This can be quite convenient e.g. [path] dzlib=ssh:// allows me to clone a copy of my dzlib+tools main repository on sourceforge like this: hg clone dzlib dzlib+tools … Continue reading Adding remote repositories to your mercurial.ini

Avoiding long timeouts when connecting to Mercurial repositories on SourceForge

As described in a previous post I initially had some problems connecting to Mercurial repositories on SourceForge that went away without me changing anything. In that post I give the following entry for mercurial.ini: [ui] ssh="C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\plink.exe" -ssh -agent -v -i "D:\path\to\my\private_key.ppk" While this works well, if Pageant is already running and has loaded … Continue reading Avoiding long timeouts when connecting to Mercurial repositories on SourceForge

Logging into a Mercurial repository on Sourceforge with an SSH private key

I was just about to post the following to --- I have got a mercurial repository on, generated an ssh key with PuttyGen and uploaded it to Shell Services Configuration as described in the relevant site documentation. I then started Pageant and entered my passphrase. Now, I can connect to without entering … Continue reading Logging into a Mercurial repository on Sourceforge with an SSH private key

Converting from Subversion to Mercurial

Here, I will be posting notes on converting Subversion repositories to Mercurial. NOTE: This is work in progress. I will probably come back and change things as well as adding. Some links on using Mercurial: Hg Init: a Mercurial tutorial by Joel Spolsky QuickStart in the Mercurial Wiki I have got TortoiseSVN 1.8.3 including the … Continue reading Converting from Subversion to Mercurial