I tend to make typos in the log messages to SubVersion commits and it is always embarrassing when I later come across these typos. Svn can be configured to allow changing log messages by adding a server hook, but that's not the default. The now defunct OSDN, which was based on an old version of … Continue reading Configure a svn repository on SourceForge to allow changing a log message
Category: SCM
Syncing a remote SVN repository to the local file system under Windows
I had some bad experience with the hosted SVN repositories of my open source projects (first with SourceForge, now with OSDN) so I decided to sync all of them to a local, read only copy on my hard drive. In the worst case that will keep the history even if the hosting service goes down … Continue reading Syncing a remote SVN repository to the local file system under Windows
Allow svn:author to be changed for a subversion repository
Note to self: In order to allow changes to the author of an svn commit, the pre-revprop-change hook of the repository must be changed like this: Insert the line [bash] if [ "$ACTION" = "M" -a "$PROPNAME" = "svn:author" ]; then exit 0; fi [/bash] just below the existing, similar line that allows changing svn:log. … Continue reading Allow svn:author to be changed for a subversion repository
Contributing to projects on GitHub with Subversion
Edit: On 2023-01-20 GitHub announced that they will stop supporting Subversion on 2024-01-08. --- 2023-04-18 twm Many open source projects have moved from the former top dog SlashdotSourceForge to GitHub and in the process usually converted from Subversion to git. This also includes quite a few Delphi libraries like project Jedi (JCL/JVCL), SynEdit or Indy. … Continue reading Contributing to projects on GitHub with Subversion
svnrdump for dumping and loading remote svn repositories
Since I keep forgetting what the tool is called and how to use it: svnrdump is a tool that can dump a remote svn repostory to a text file and also load that text file into a different remote svn repository. It comes with the TortoiseSVN installation (but is really part of the standard Subversion … Continue reading svnrdump for dumping and loading remote svn repositories
how to get a dump of your remote svn repository
Recently SourceForge's service has declined to a point where it gets really annoying. Basically every time I tried to commit a change to the svn repository of one of my projects, I run into timeouts and other errors. I want to spend my time working on my projects, not convincing their infrastructure to accept my … Continue reading how to get a dump of your remote svn repository
How to disable update checking in TortoiseSVN?
The latest 1.9.x versions of TortoiseSVN no longer support Windows XP (1.8.12 was the last one that did). Since some of the computers I work with are stuck with XP there isn't much sense in having it check for updates automatically. Older versions of TortoiseSVN used to have a check box on the settings "General" … Continue reading How to disable update checking in TortoiseSVN?
Adding remote repositories to your mercurial.ini
Among a lot of other things you can add names for remote repositories to your mercurial.ini so you can access them without having to type that long path. This can be quite convenient e.g. [path] dzlib=ssh://twm@hg.code.sf.net/p/dzlib/hgdzmaincode allows me to clone a copy of my dzlib+tools main repository on sourceforge like this: hg clone dzlib dzlib+tools … Continue reading Adding remote repositories to your mercurial.ini
Avoiding long timeouts when connecting to Mercurial repositories on SourceForge
As described in a previous post I initially had some problems connecting to Mercurial repositories on SourceForge that went away without me changing anything. In that post I give the following entry for mercurial.ini: [ui] ssh="C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\plink.exe" -ssh -agent -v -i "D:\path\to\my\private_key.ppk" While this works well, if Pageant is already running and has loaded … Continue reading Avoiding long timeouts when connecting to Mercurial repositories on SourceForge
Convert from Subversion to Mercurial fast
In my previous post about converting from Subversion to Mercurial I assumed that I would want to migrate the history of changes from my svn repository to the new hg repository. For some projects, I don't really care about the history so I decided to take the quick and dirty route: Create a new, empty … Continue reading Convert from Subversion to Mercurial fast