VirtualBox and Windows 8.1: This 64-bit application couldn’t load because your PC doesn’t have a 64-bit processor

I just moved a Windows 8.1 installation in Virtual Box from one computer to another. When booting up, Windows told me: This 64-bit application couldn't load because your PC doesn't have a 64-bit processor The host computer is an Intel Xeon CPU which definitely is a 64 bit CPU (the previous computer was an older … Continue reading VirtualBox and Windows 8.1: This 64-bit application couldn’t load because your PC doesn’t have a 64-bit processor

Adding a Windows 8.1 computer to a SAMBA domain

Note to self: If adding a Windows 8.1 computer to a SAMBA domain fails with the error "The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted" the following changes to the Registry might help: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters] ; Enable NT-Domain compatibility mode ; Default: ; [value not present] ; … Continue reading Adding a Windows 8.1 computer to a SAMBA domain

Creating a window without a title that can be moved with the mouse

For my dzComputerInfo tool I created a window without a title that can still be moved with the mouse. This is quite easy to do: To remove the title, set BorderStyle to bsNone. To let the user move it with the mouse, add the following message handler: [delphi] type TMyForm = class(TForm) private procedure WMNCHitTest(var … Continue reading Creating a window without a title that can be moved with the mouse