GNUGetText support for the GExperts Message Dialog expert

Based on an idea and partial implementation submitted by Sven Harazim from Landrix Software I have just added support for GNUGetText to the GExperts Message Dialog expert. It now looks like this: And generates Code like this: [delphi] MessageDlg(_('first line'+#13#10+'second line'), mtWarning, [mbOK], 0); [/delphi] Or, if you'd rather use the Windows API: which generates … Continue reading GNUGetText support for the GExperts Message Dialog expert

Delphi disabled packages in the registry

Note to self: The Delphi IDE stores a list of disabled packages (that is packages where the user removed the check mark in front of the package under Components -> Packages) in the registry under HKCU\<basekey>disabled packages. <basekey> is the base key of the Delphi configuration, e.g. Software\Embarcadero\BDS\9.0 So the disabled packages for Delphi XE2 … Continue reading Delphi disabled packages in the registry

GExperts 1.3.11 experimental twm 2018-08-05 released

After the massive improvement to the Uses Clause Manager it's time for another GExperts release. New features include: New features include: Improved keyboard navigation in the configuration dialog Improved alignment and anchors selection in the Rename Components expert An option to automatically close the message window after a successfull compile There were also several bug … Continue reading GExperts 1.3.11 experimental twm 2018-08-05 released