Based on an idea and partial implementation submitted by Sven Harazim from Landrix Software I have just added support for GNUGetText to the GExperts Message Dialog expert. It now looks like this: And generates Code like this: [delphi] MessageDlg(_('first line'+#13#10+'second line'), mtWarning, [mbOK], 0); [/delphi] Or, if you'd rather use the Windows API: which generates … Continue reading GNUGetText support for the GExperts Message Dialog expert
Day: August 18, 2018
Building less annoying user interfaces (part 1)
I am not claiming to be an expert in building good user interfaces, in fact I have been known to use terrible color combinations, overload forms with too many controls and confusing the user. But on the other hand I have been using computers for all of my adult life and I have seen quite … Continue reading Building less annoying user interfaces (part 1)