The Unicode issues in GExperts just don't end. Today I fixed three of them: [delphi] procedure bla; begin SomeVar := 3245; // german description with some äöüß to SomeVar SomeVar := 123; SomeQuery.FieldByName('GermanWordWithäöüß').AsString := 'some value'; end; [/delphi] (Yes, I know, this doesn't compile.) Move the cursor to the first occurrence of SomeVar and press … Continue reading GExperts Bugfixes
Month: December 2017
Access Violation in Delphi 6 or 7 when setting IOTASourceEditor.BlockVisible to True
Note to self: If you get an access violation when setting IOTASourceEditor.BlockVisible to true in Delphi 6 or 7 e.g.: [delphi] procedure GxOtaSelectBlock(const Editor: IOTASourceEditor; const Start, After: TOTACharPos); begin Assert(Assigned(Editor)); Editor.BlockVisible := False; try Editor.BlockType := btNonInclusive; Editor.BlockStart := Start; Editor.BlockAfter := After; finally Editor.BlockVisible := True; // <---- BOOM end; end; [/delphi] Check … Continue reading Access Violation in Delphi 6 or 7 when setting IOTASourceEditor.BlockVisible to True
Delphi XE2 crash when opening the About dialog
Today I had a rather annoying problem with Delphi XE2. I only wanted to change the caption of a TListView column using the Columns Editor (right click -> Columns Editor). The IDE crashed on me with an Access Violation. So, I thought I had broken it again (things like this happen when you are developing … Continue reading Delphi XE2 crash when opening the About dialog
new Seagate Barracuda drives are very slow
Seagate has changed their Barracuda desktop 3,5" 2 and 4 TB drives from using 3 platters to using only 2 while doubling the cache RAM from 128 to 256 MBs. We have been buying this type of drives for various usages, one of them is the 4 TB drive for the backup of our main … Continue reading new Seagate Barracuda drives are very slow
Weihnachtslieder Spickzettel
Es ist jedes Jahr dasselbe, es soll vor der Bescherung gesungen werden und nur wenige kennen den Text. Irgendwie schon peinlich. Deshalb habe ich jetzt endlich eine Maßnahme ergriffen und mir den Text der gebräuchlichsten Lieder zusammengestellt. Sie passen in noch lesbarer Schrift auf eine DIN A4 Seite, wenn man zwei Seiten auf eine druckt … Continue reading Weihnachtslieder Spickzettel