The Unicode issues in GExperts just don't end. Today I fixed three of them: [delphi] procedure bla; begin SomeVar := 3245; // german description with some äöüß to SomeVar SomeVar := 123; SomeQuery.FieldByName('GermanWordWithäöüß').AsString := 'some value'; end; [/delphi] (Yes, I know, this doesn't compile.) Move the cursor to the first occurrence of SomeVar and press … Continue reading GExperts Bugfixes
Day: December 30, 2017
Access Violation in Delphi 6 or 7 when setting IOTASourceEditor.BlockVisible to True
Note to self: If you get an access violation when setting IOTASourceEditor.BlockVisible to true in Delphi 6 or 7 e.g.: [delphi] procedure GxOtaSelectBlock(const Editor: IOTASourceEditor; const Start, After: TOTACharPos); begin Assert(Assigned(Editor)); Editor.BlockVisible := False; try Editor.BlockType := btNonInclusive; Editor.BlockStart := Start; Editor.BlockAfter := After; finally Editor.BlockVisible := True; // <---- BOOM end; end; [/delphi] Check … Continue reading Access Violation in Delphi 6 or 7 when setting IOTASourceEditor.BlockVisible to True