Experimental GExperts Version 1.37-2014-04-12 released

The latest version is the first version that supports Delphi XE5 and also officially XE4. There is nothing really new about the formatter code. But the new release can be installed even if you don't have the official GExperts installer (yet). This is an extract from the readme file: ** Installing without an official installer … Continue reading Experimental GExperts Version 1.37-2014-04-12 released

Logging into a Mercurial repository on Sourceforge with an SSH private key

I was just about to post the following to stackexchange.com: --- I have got a mercurial repository on sourceforge.net, generated an ssh key with PuttyGen and uploaded it to Shell Services Configuration as described in the relevant site documentation. I then started Pageant and entered my passphrase. Now, I can connect to shell.sourceforge.net without entering … Continue reading Logging into a Mercurial repository on Sourceforge with an SSH private key

I bought a Kindle

I had decided to never buy a Kindle because I take issue with Amazon controlling it, not myself. Also, I hate it that all Kindle e-books from Amazon are encumbered by DRM. Nevertheless, as the price dropped below 50 Euros for the pre-Paperwhite version, I could no longer resist and bought it. The rationalization is … Continue reading I bought a Kindle