Filtering and sorting for the GExperts PE Information Exports list

The GExperts PE Information tool just got a small improvement: The Exports list can now be sorted by clicking on the column header and filtered on the export name by simply typing text. The Escape key resets the filter. If you want to discuss this article, you can do so in the corresponding post in … Continue reading Filtering and sorting for the GExperts PE Information Exports list

More features for the IFDEF expert in GExperts

The IFDEF editor expert was added to GExperts in 2016 and improved again in the same year, to support symbols defined in include files. Unfortunately sometimes an include file itself sometimes includes other files (e.g. in the JEDI Code Library includes which will usually add additional symbols which are then available for conditional … Continue reading More features for the IFDEF expert in GExperts

Working on the GExperts Code Formatter again

The code formatter can now handle inline variable declarations. That was actually just a simple change (fixes bugs #157 and #158 (and the duplicate #165)) Now I'm trying to get it to format function declarations like this: [delphi] function RegisterClipboardFormatW(lpszFormat: PWideChar): UINT; stdcall; external user32 Name 'RegisterClipboardFormatW'; [/delphi] or something as simple as this; [delphi] … Continue reading Working on the GExperts Code Formatter again

GExperts 1.3.15 installers were/are detected as malware

The installers for GExperts 1.3.15 were/are detected as malware by several virus scanners on Virus Total. I have since submitted them all as false positives to Kaspersky and some to Microsoft and after their latest signature updates their scanners are now fine. I tried the same with other virus scanner vendors, but their procedure was … Continue reading GExperts 1.3.15 installers were/are detected as malware