Windows 7 has got an annoying feature that categorises network connections to be public, home or work networks. This might work for others but it has never worked for me. Even worse, for some reason the link that usually allows the user to change the network type sometimes is not available. Microsoft even has got … Continue reading Force “unidentified networks” to be private or public in Windows 7
Month: October 2016
Drawing a Bitmap on a Paintbox in Delphi
Yes, I know, this is far from news, but since I just spent several hours trying to find out why my code didn't work, I'll document it here so I can look it up later. There are various ways to draw a bitmap on a paintbox in Delphi. I'll focus on the Windows API function … Continue reading Drawing a Bitmap on a Paintbox in Delphi
Writing large INI files
INI files, once the most used way for storing program configurations, are still popular due to their simplicity. Delphi offers two ways for accessing them: TIniFile - which uses the Windows API functions WritePrivateProfileString / GetPrivateProfileString TMemIniFile - which is implemented in Delphi and optimized for speed. If you only want to read or write … Continue reading Writing large INI files
Getting the system boot time in Windows
Today I needed to get the system boot time of my computer. You can either open the system log and look for the entries a Windows start up writes there, or you can let a tool do the work: @echo off systeminfo | find "System Boot Time" pause In my case the result looks like … Continue reading Getting the system boot time in Windows
New GExperts IDE form enhancement for the Goto dialog
GExperts has got several options to enhance various IDE forms. They can be enabled and disabled on the configuration dialog's IDE tab. There is now a new one: Enhance Goto dialog. It's the dialog you get when selecting Search -> Go to Line Number which looks like this in it's original full glory: It hasn't … Continue reading New GExperts IDE form enhancement for the Goto dialog
Delphi Live Templates: raise exception.CreateFmt
Delphi (XE2) comes with various predefined so called live templates which you can display with View->Templates. One of them is called "raise" and expands to [delphi] raise exception.Create('Error Message'); [/delphi] I don't know about you but I use Exception.CreateFmt much more often than simply Exception.Create, so it annoys the hell out of me when every … Continue reading Delphi Live Templates: raise exception.CreateFmt
GExperts 1.38 experimental twm 2016-10-03 released
I must admit I'm getting tired of waiting for Erik to make a new official GExperts release. So, here is another experimental one. The motive for making this release is twofold: The Delphi 10.1 Berlin update 1 for which I released a hotfix A bug I discovered and fixed yesterday that caused GExperts to crash … Continue reading GExperts 1.38 experimental twm 2016-10-03 released