dzMdbViewer is a small tool I wrote, when I was stuck without a MS Access installation but needed to have a look into a .MDB file (and later .ACCDB file, if the Access Database Engine 2012 is installed). It can open these files and display a list of queries and tables stored in them as … Continue reading dzMdbViewer 1.0.2 released
Month: September 2016
First steps with REST and JSON
I must admit that I haven't done much programming regarding the web. There was an attempt to write an RSS reader some time back and there is my virtual radio alarm clock (with which I'm currently listening to SWR3). But this is my first try to do something with REST and JSON. The server side … Continue reading First steps with REST and JSON
Hotfix for GExperts crashing with Delphi 10.1 update 1
GExperts 1.38 experimental twm 2016-09-18 has a few issues with Delphi / Rad Studio 10.1 Berlin Update 1. Simply recompiling the DLL made them go away for me, so I provide the recompiled DLL as a hotfix for this release. Go the release page to get it.
GExperts 1.38 experimental twm 2016-09-18 released
Since apparently Erik needs more time for the official GExperts 1.39 release, here is another experimental test release. Please report any bugs you may find (preferentially in the GExperts community on Google+ or the bug tracker on SourceForge) Again, I have built installers for each Delphi version. These installers should install everything that is necessary, … Continue reading GExperts 1.38 experimental twm 2016-09-18 released
GExperts IFDEF Expert support for include files
The GExperts IFDEF expert now supports include files. For each include file in the current unit it displays an additional tab containing all symbols defined in that include file with {$DEFINE }, {$UNDEF } and the usual disabled notation of these {.$DEFINE }, {.$UNDEF }. It searches for the include files in the search path … Continue reading GExperts IFDEF Expert support for include files
Compiling GExperts
Several times people have asked me how to compile their own GExperts dll. It’s really simple, here is how.