Delphi (XE2) comes with various predefined so called live templates which you can display with View->Templates. One of them is called “raise” and expands to
raise exception.Create('Error Message');
I don’t know about you but I use Exception.CreateFmt much more often than simply Exception.Create, so it annoys the hell out of me when every time I type raise I get the simple Create call and have to edit it. Also, I usually use DxGetText to translate my error messages using the _() function. So I have to add that as well.
Today I got tired of this and simply changed the template:
- Since you cannot edit the predefined templates, the first thing you do, is open it and copy the whole text into the clipboard.
- Add a new template and paste the text into it.
- Change it to your liking.
- Save it with the same file name but to the directory for user defined code templates, which is [your documents folder]\RAD Studio\code_templates.
That’s it, now the new user defined template will be called rather than the predefined one.
Now to the template itself. This is the original template:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <codetemplate xmlns="" version="1.0.0"> <template name="raise" invoke="auto"> <description> Create and raise an instance of an Exception class </description> <author> Embarcadero (with thanks to Erik Berry) </author> <point name="exception"> <script language="Delphi">InvokeCodeCompletion;</script> <text>Exception</text> <hint>Exception class</hint> </point> <point name="errormessage"> <text>Error Message</text> <hint>Exception Message</hint> </point> <code language="Delphi" context="methodbody" delimiter="|"> <![CDATA[raise |exception|.Create('|errormessage|');|end|]]> </code> </template> </codetemplate>
And this is my changed template:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <codetemplate xmlns="" version="1.0.0"> <template name="raise" invoke="auto"> <description> Create and raise an instance of an Exception class </description> <author> Embarcadero (with thanks to Erik Berry) </author> <point name="exception"> <script language="Delphi">InvokeCodeCompletion;</script> <text>Exception</text> <hint>Exception class</hint> </point> <point name="errormessage"> <text>Error Message</text> <hint>Exception Message</hint> </point> <point name="parameters"> <text>Parameters</text> <hint>Parameters go here</hint> </point> <code language="Delphi" context="methodbody" delimiter="|"> <![CDATA[raise |exception|.CreateFmt(_('|errormessage|'), [|parameters|]);|end|]]> </code> </template> </codetemplate>
As you can see, I changed Create to CreateFmt, added the call to _() and also added a point element “parameters” for entering the parameters for the format specifiers, which is then referenced in the code element.
You can find more about live templates here: