I could not find anything like this so I wrote it myself: This class translates most Windows message ids into their symbolic name. type TWmMessageToString = class function MsgToString(const _WmMsg: Cardinal): string; overload; function MsgToString(const _Msg: TMessage): string; overload; end; The names are taken from Delphi 2010's messages.pas Delphi 2010's controls.pas Wine It seems pretty … Continue reading Translating Windows messages to strings
Day: August 24, 2014
Preventing a dialog from closing while autocomplete is active
In an older blog post I wrote about AutoComplete for TEdits using SHAutoComplete. I just actually tried to use that function in one of my applications and found that there is a quite annoying problem with it: If you have set the OK button's Default property to true (so it gets "clicked" when you press … Continue reading Preventing a dialog from closing while autocomplete is active