Sometimes you want to do a command line compile but you don't have the <project>.cfg file that the dcc32 compiler needs but only the .dof file (Delphi <=7) or .bdsproj file (Delphi 2005/2006). You could of course open the project in the ide and let it create the .cfg file, but that's something of an … Continue reading dof2cfg and bdsproj2cfg on SourceForge
Month: November 2012
GnuGetText.pas with support for TWideStrings properties
The current version of GnuGetText for Delphi and C++ Builder does not support properties of type TWideStrings. Since I needed this (FastReport uses them for storing the report memos), I have added that feature. The new unit is in the subversion repository on SourceForge. Be warned: I have only tested it with Delphi 2007. If … Continue reading GnuGetText.pas with support for TWideStrings properties
Automated builds – DIY
I am a fan of automated builds. I know there are lots of great tools for doing that (e.g. FinalBuilder is mentioned every time this topic comes up in the forums) but since I dont want to pay money for it just to use in my open source projects, I rolled my own. The result … Continue reading Automated builds – DIY
dzlib, my very own utility library
I am probably not the only one who has built his own utility library over the years. Mine is - of course - special because it is superior to all others. 😉 Just in case, somebody else is interested in it, I have put it under the MPL and hosted it on sourceforge. It now … Continue reading dzlib, my very own utility library
Experimental GExperts Version 1.37-2012-11-18 released
Since the last release did not contain the DLLs for all supported Delphi versions, here is a new one. There is no change to the last release apart from it containing all the DLLs. Head over to the Experimental GExperts page to download the new version.
Why my blog is no longer distributed via DelphiFeeds
Some of you might have wondered why my blog is no longer distributed via DelphiFeeds. The reason is not, that I don't want it to be, but apparently DelphiFeeds is no longer maintained. All my attempts to get my new blog added (and the old, defunct feed removed) failed. I am really sorry about this … Continue reading Why my blog is no longer distributed via DelphiFeeds
Experimental GExperts Version 1.37-2012-11-15 released
The last release still contained a few newly introduced bugs, namely If you put a // comment after a unit in the uses clause, it no longer did get indented correctly Type declarations like type bla = type integer; were no longer formatted correctly Also, I found a new bug regarding the formatting of event … Continue reading Experimental GExperts Version 1.37-2012-11-15 released
Experimental GExperts Version 1.37-2012-11-11 released
This version fixes a serious bug in the previous release. It also improves support for generic class declarations. All my existing unit tests work again, but I also found an issue with anonymous methods that I have not yet been able to fix. If you find any issues, please send me a bug report and … Continue reading Experimental GExperts Version 1.37-2012-11-11 released
GExperts formatter bug fixed, waiting for code sample which made the change necessary
Uli Gerhard found a bug which was introduced in the last version of GExperts. It resulted in code after class declarations in the implementation section to be formatted incorrectly: [delphi] unit SomeUnit; interface implementation type TSomeClass = class constructor Create; end; constructor TSomeClass.Create; begin end; end. [/delphi] During the formatting, the space between constructor and … Continue reading GExperts formatter bug fixed, waiting for code sample which made the change necessary
Experimental GExperts Version 1.37-2012-11-04 released
IMPORTANT: This version has a bug that results in uncompilable code under some circumstances. I don't know why nobody reported this, but the October release did not work at all with Delphi XE3 but crashed the IDE. The reason were two problems: Embarcadero changed some properties of TCustomAction to have a setter method which resulted … Continue reading Experimental GExperts Version 1.37-2012-11-04 released