What does the following Delphi function do?

Still playing around with ChatGPT, I asked it "What does the following Delphi function do?" [delphi] function FileSizeToHumanReadableString(_FileSize: Int64): string; begin if _FileSize > 5 * OneExbiByte then Result := Format(_('%.2f EiB'), [_FileSize / OneExbiByte]) else if _FileSize > 5 * OnePebiByte then Result := Format(_('%.2f PiB'), [_FileSize / OnePebiByte]) else if _FileSize > 5 … Continue reading What does the following Delphi function do?

I asked ChatGPT what’s wrong with the following Delphi code

Slashdot just posted "What Happens When ChatGPT Can Find Bugs in Computer Code?" which links a PC Mag article with the title "Watch Out, Software Engineers: ChatGPT Is Now Finding, Fixing Bugs in Code" So I asked ChatGPT "What's wrong with the following Delphi code:" [delphi] function IsoStringToDateTime(const ISODateTime: string): TDateTime; const ISOShortLen = 19; … Continue reading I asked ChatGPT what’s wrong with the following Delphi code

Minor Delphi Ide Explorer enhancement

I just added some minor enhancements to my Delphi Ide Explorer expert: For TShortCut properties it now also displays the text representation for the shortcut. For TShortCutList properties (TAction.SecondaryHotkeys) it now displays "<no shortcut>" if the list is emtpy rather than an empty string For TStrings properties it now displays "<empty>" if the list is … Continue reading Minor Delphi Ide Explorer enhancement

I’m on Mastodon now

I never really liked Twitter, but I created an account there to be able to Announce new posts on my blog Allow some feedback to my blog without enabling the comments Now I joined Mastodon as @dummzeuch@mastodon.social simply to add another channel for those who don't want to use Twitter.