Thunderbird 102.0.3 no longer asks to accept a self signed certificate for IMAP

One of my computer's hard disk didn't survive a recent power failure so I had to set up its Thunderbird client again (a backup didn't work, don't ask). My internal IMAP server uses a self signed certificate which worked like a charm until now. Normally, the first time Thunderbird connects to the server after the … Continue reading Thunderbird 102.0.3 no longer asks to accept a self signed certificate for IMAP

When initramfs gives you cryptic error messages

Note to self: If during a Linux update you get the following error: [bash] update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-whatever W: initramfs-tools configuration sets RESUME=UUID=some-uuid-goes-here W: but not matching swap device is available. I: The initramfs will attempt to resume from /some/device I: (some-other-uuid-goes-here) I: Set the RESUME variable to override this [/bash] Check the content of the … Continue reading When initramfs gives you cryptic error messages

Adding a Windows 10 computer to a Samba (NT4) domain

Microsoft is trying to force everybody to update from the old NT4 domain system to the "new" (as in "was new >10 years ago") Active Directory system. While that's probably a good idea for most people there are some like me stuck with a working Samba installation that for some reason needs to continue to … Continue reading Adding a Windows 10 computer to a Samba (NT4) domain

Allow svn:author to be changed for a subversion repository

Note to self: In order to allow changes to the author of an svn commit, the pre-revprop-change hook of the repository must be changed like this: Insert the line [bash] if [ "$ACTION" = "M" -a "$PROPNAME" = "svn:author" ]; then exit 0; fi [/bash] just below the existing, similar line that allows changing svn:log. … Continue reading Allow svn:author to be changed for a subversion repository

Extract jpeg files from mjpeg video on Linux

Just in case I ever need it again: Extracting all frames from an mjpeg video as jpegs is easy and very fast with ffmpeg, because it does not need to decode and encode the pictures, just prepend the DHT to each one: [bash] ffmpeg -i inputmpeg.avi -c:v copy -bsf:v mjpeg2jpeg frame_%d.jpg [/bash] Source ffmpeg documentation.