The code formatter can now handle inline variable declarations. That was actually just a simple change (fixes bugs #157 and #158 (and the duplicate #165)) Now I'm trying to get it to format function declarations like this: [delphi] function RegisterClipboardFormatW(lpszFormat: PWideChar): UINT; stdcall; external user32 Name 'RegisterClipboardFormatW'; [/delphi] or something as simple as this; [delphi] … Continue reading Working on the GExperts Code Formatter again
Month: November 2019
GExperts 1.3.15 installers were/are detected as malware
The installers for GExperts 1.3.15 were/are detected as malware by several virus scanners on Virus Total. I have since submitted them all as false positives to Kaspersky and some to Microsoft and after their latest signature updates their scanners are now fine. I tried the same with other virus scanner vendors, but their procedure was … Continue reading GExperts 1.3.15 installers were/are detected as malware
Adding Menu Items to the IDE Editor’s Context Menu
David Hoyle just blogged about Adding Menu Items to the IDE Editor’s Context Menu. As always his article is quite insightful, in particular the last part, because many people forget this: That’s it, all done, or is it… Well for a DLL yes as you would never get a situation where the Editor Popup Menu … Continue reading Adding Menu Items to the IDE Editor’s Context Menu
GExperts 1.3.15 experimental twm 2019-11-23 released
I just released GExperts 1.3.15 for all supported Delphi versions. There have again been various bug fixes and the following notable changes: There is now a start menu entry for a new stand alone version of the GExperts Code Formatter. Note that it not only has a GUI for selecting a single file to format … Continue reading GExperts 1.3.15 experimental twm 2019-11-23 released
dzBdsLauncher 1.0.2 released
dzBdsLauncher tries to solve the problem of accidentally opening a Delphi project with the wrong Delphi version. The latest version 1.0.2 now also detects .DPROJ file from Delphi 10.3.3. See the dzBdsLauncher page for details.
No new GExperts release yet for Delphi 10.3.3
Edit: There is now a new release. Before you ask: No, there is no new GExperts release yet for Delphi 10.3.3. I haven't even downloaded it yet. I might get to it this weekend. In the meantime you can get the sources and compile your own DLL with the new Delphi version. I don't expect … Continue reading No new GExperts release yet for Delphi 10.3.3
If you compiled your own GExperts clear the Uses Clause Manager cache
This is only relevant, if you have recently compiled your own GExperts DLL and you use the Uses Clause Manager's Identifier tab: There were several bugs in the unit parsing code that have been fixed. But you won't see the effect, because the buggy results from before that have been cached. In order to get … Continue reading If you compiled your own GExperts clear the Uses Clause Manager cache
Creating an array of controls in Delphi
One frequently asked question that still gets asked today goes like this: "How do I create an array of [component] and fill it with existing [component] instances from the form?" Where [component] usually is TLabel, TCheckbox or TEdit. I'm going to outline some solutions here. Let's start by defining some parameters: We have got a … Continue reading Creating an array of controls in Delphi
dzPrepBuild 1.3.4 for Delphi bugfix release
I found a bug in dzPrepBuild that required a new release: If a .dpr file is passed as parameter the ProjectName placeholder would also have that extension. New feature: Placeholder {Release} added.
dzPrepBuild for Delphi 1.3.3 released
I just released version 1.3.3 of dzPrepBuild The reason for this release was that I wanted to allow automatically updating the ProductVersion when the FileVersion changes. In order to do that, the tool now supports two additional placeholders that an be used in any version string: {MajorVer} and {MinorVer} which, as you might have guessed, … Continue reading dzPrepBuild for Delphi 1.3.3 released