All but one known GExperts code formatter bugs fixed

Some long standing bugs in the GExperts code formatter have been fixed.

It’s great to see nearly all unit tests finally succeed.

About 10 new test cases have been added too, so the improvement is significant.

The fixed bugs including some that have bugged (sorry 😉 ) me for years, e.g.:

  Msg := Format('%s %s'#13#10
    + '%s',
    [a, b

where the last line used to be indented the same as the previous line like this:

  Msg := Format('%s %s'#13#10
    + '%s',
    [a, b

There is one left:

  { testcomment
}s := '';

where I am not even sure how it should be formatted. Maybe like this:

   { testcomment
   }s := '';

Or maybe it shouldn’t be changed at all.

Anyway, I’m thinking about making another GExperts release this weekend, but haven’t decided yet. If you want a fixed code formatter, you will have to compile your own DLL which isn’t rocket science after all.