I mentioned that I am working on the Delphi Tools Manager in my post about GExperts supporting import and export for the Tools menu.
Today I finished the first version of this tool. It supports all Delphi versions from 5 to 10.3 (it is written in Delphi 10.2).
So, what does it do:
- It shows a list of all entries in the Delphi IDE’s tool menu in a similar manner as the Tools Options dialog.
- It allows the same actions as that dialog: Add/Delete/Edit an entry and change the order of the entries.
- It shows the details of each entry when it is selected.
- It allows exporting and importing entries, using the same DTME file format as GExperts
- Dragging one or more DTME files on the form will add them to the list
If it finds more than one Delphi version installed on the computer, it asks which one you want to modify.
While I have tested this program and found no bugs, I might have overlooked something. You use it on your own risk!
Download from SourceForge.
If you would like to comment on this, go to this post in the international Delphi Praxis forum.