From now on, all * subdomains are available via https. In particular that means (which contains all GExperts downloads) and my old home page I have changed the download links for the two latests GExperts releases. I will probably not bother with the older ones.
Day: October 27, 2018
New GExperts Feature: Favorites menu
I have stolen yet another idea for a new GExperts feature, this time from Dave Nottage's Codex Delphi Expert. (But the code is all mine, including any bugs you might experience.) It's the Favorites sub menu in the File menu: The content of this sub menu is generated on the fly, so it will always … Continue reading New GExperts Feature: Favorites menu
Forum for GExperts
As mentioned before, I have asked to get a sub forum for GExperts on the new English speaking Delphi Praxis forum. I got it and here is the RSS feed with the current posts (which means: One đ ).