A while ago I stopped using the formatter branch and officially took over the trunk of the GExperts repository. When I announced that on G+, Stefan Glienke asked me about my plans for GExperts. My answer today is still the same as back then: I will release new GExperts versions when I feel like it. … Continue reading My Future plans for GExperts
Month: March 2017
GExperts 1.38 experimental twm 2017-03-19 released
Some people have started pestering me about making a new release (you know how you are!). Don't think that this has done anything to actually make me do it, I simply thought it to be the right time with Delphi 10.2 Tokyo apparently right around the corner. I have created installers for all supported Delphi … Continue reading GExperts 1.38 experimental twm 2017-03-19 released
Creating a window without a title that can be moved with the mouse
For my dzComputerInfo tool I created a window without a title that can still be moved with the mouse. This is quite easy to do: To remove the title, set BorderStyle to bsNone. To let the user move it with the mouse, add the following message handler: [delphi] type TMyForm = class(TForm) private procedure WMNCHitTest(var … Continue reading Creating a window without a title that can be moved with the mouse
Configuring FTDI USB serial converters
USB serial converters from FTDI are quite popular. We also use them at work quite a lot because they do not have the problem of the competing products (like Prolific): Windows does not detect devices on them as Microsoft ball point devices. These converters can be configured interactively using a dialog accessible from the hardware … Continue reading Configuring FTDI USB serial converters
Hello world!
I managed to mess up my blog. The content is still there, but all the screenshots are missing since apparently they are not part of the export. Fortunately my hoster 1&1 makes a daily backup of my webspace which is stored for 6 days, so I could restore the pictures. (After praising them, let me … Continue reading Hello world!
Display and edit keyboard macros with GExperts
The GExperts Macro Library expert can now display and edit keyboard macros that have been recorded in the Delphi IDE. It uses the information I described in my article on Interpreting Delphi IDE Keyboard Macros. You get to this dialog via the context menu of a macro. It allows you not only to display and … Continue reading Display and edit keyboard macros with GExperts
There are at least 30000 Delphi 2007-2010 users
At least that's a possible interpretation of the download statistics of my dzEditorLineEndsFix tool As of today, it has been downloaded 33994 times since I wrote the first version in 2014. Of course there will be duplicates and also those who have updated to later Delphi versions or stopped using Delphi all together after downloading … Continue reading There are at least 30000 Delphi 2007-2010 users
Interpreting Delphi IDE Keyboard Macros (Updated)
Keyboard macros have been part of the Delphi IDE since basically forever (I remember using them in Delphi 5 but I wouldn't rule it out that they already existed in Delphi 1 which I never used.) GExperts also has had the Macro Library Expert since I know about it to overcome the Delphi IDE's shortcoming … Continue reading Interpreting Delphi IDE Keyboard Macros (Updated)
dzComputerInfo tool
A few days ago I was working in one of our measurement vehicles and found, that I couldn't for the life of me tell, which of the 3 computers (soon to become 4) was selected on the KVM switch. This isn't the first time this has happened to me and my colleagues have the same … Continue reading dzComputerInfo tool