I has been a while since my last experimental GExperts release. Erik still hasn’t managed to do the final official release and I don’t want to wait any longer. I have created installers for all supported Delphi versions.
New features include:
- Reselect Desktop Expert
- Add To Formatter Capitalization Expert
- Enhanced Goto dialog
- Filter for GExperts Class Browser
- Hiding the Quick Action and Description panel in Delphi
- Favorites for the Build Events
There was also a fix for a nasty bug in the code formatter.
Did I ever blog about using the .MAP file for the Uses Clause Manager and Open File Expert? This was also added in this version (with using it in grep on the todo list). Also, did I ever mention the new Editor Experts: WARN directive and IF Directive? I don’t remember but they were added months ago.
Please be aware that I mostly work with Delphi 2007, so this version can be regarded as tested quite well, followed by Delphi XE2. The others are only known to compile and new features are usually tested superficially with all versions. This is particularly true for Delphi 6/7 and 2005/2006.
Head over to the Experimental GExperts page to download the latest release.