Just in time for the holidays, here it is, the Christmas release of my experimental GExperts version. You might already have read my blog posts about the work on some of the new features, but let's start with the "boring" one: I fixed the Unicode support again, this time actually the non-Unicode support because the … Continue reading Experimental GExperts Version 1.38 2015-12-22 released
Month: December 2015
WinHlp32 for Windows 8.1
Microsoft dropped support for the old WinHelp (*.hlp) file format in Windows 7 (or was it in Vista?). They provided a download that added the missing WinHlp32.exe (and probably quite a few other files) back so we could display .hlp files again. Today I had the need to do that on Windows 8.1. Unfortunately I … Continue reading WinHlp32 for Windows 8.1
Adding an icon to the Delphi IDE splash screen
In a previous blog post I described how to add an entry to the Delpih IDE About dialog. This time it's about the splash screen. Since Delphi 2005 the IDE provides the SplashScreenServices interface that is available even before the other interfaces that make up the ToolsAPI. It allows adding an icon to the splash … Continue reading Adding an icon to the Delphi IDE splash screen
[German only] Universeller Einkaufsgutschein
Mir geht es ziemlich auf den Keks, dass in letzter Zeit alles per Gutschein bezahlt werden soll bzw. immer wieder Einkaufsgutscheine als Geschenk gewünscht werden. Einkaufsgutscheine haben eigentlich nur Nachteile: Ein Gutschein ist an den Aussteller gebunden und wird nur von ihm eingelöst. Wenn man einen Gutschein nur teilweise einlöst, bekommt man wieder einen Gutschein, … Continue reading [German only] Universeller Einkaufsgutschein
Making a Delphi form sizable without changing BorderStyle
Don't you just hate it when you sit in front of a 24" monitor and have to use a form that is the size of a postage stamp? GExperts has got a nifty feature where it makes forms of the Delphi IDE sizable that aren't by default. This works only for some forms and I … Continue reading Making a Delphi form sizable without changing BorderStyle