Roman Yankovsky has been so kind to donate a FixInsight license to my open source projects, in particular to GExperts. And since he just blogged about running FixInsight against the latest FMX I did the same with GExperts. The result is not too bad actually. All included there are 235 warnings, optimization and convention messages. … Continue reading FixInsight vs. GExperts
Category: GExperts
More enhancements for the search path dialog
After I found and fixed the problem with the Grep results dialog I returned to enhancing the search path dialog. Last time I added an option to replace the ListBox on that dialog with a Memo. Many people liked that change but of course, people being people, they started to complain about missing features. In … Continue reading More enhancements for the search path dialog
Safe event hooking for Delphi IDE plugins revisited
A while ago I blogged about Safe event hooking for Delphi IDE plugins. I have used this method in GExperts as well as my Delphi IDE Explorer and it worked fine for both plugins. Today I looked at the code again and didn't like it very much. Yes, it works fine and there aren't any … Continue reading Safe event hooking for Delphi IDE plugins revisited
Calculating Offsets into the Delphi editor buffer
I have already mentioned the AutoTodo wizard for Delphi when I was trying to contact the Author Peter Laman. He hasn't responded and nobody could give me any contact information. (Peter, if you ever read this, please contact me using my Google+ profile.) The animated GIF in that post shows how the new AutoTodo expert … Continue reading Calculating Offsets into the Delphi editor buffer
Paging Peter Laman
Does anybody know how to contact Peter Laman, who wrote the AutoTodoInserter wizard? I have added this functionality to GExperts based on his code. I had to make quite a few changes to make it work with Unicode but the basic structure is still the same. The license terms state "Commercial use requires permission". Even … Continue reading Paging Peter Laman
Experimental GExperts Version 1.38 2016-02-15 released
I bloged a lot about GExperts recently: A new way to call the experts in GExperts Compiling GExperts while the DLL is loaded in the IDE Backwards compatibility of uses lists Automatically scroll a memo line by line in Delphi And you have probably wondered when I will make a new GExperts release. OK, no … Continue reading Experimental GExperts Version 1.38 2016-02-15 released
A new way to call the experts in GExperts
The Delphi IDE comes preconfigured with quite a lot of keyboard shortcuts and the remaining keyboard combinations are getting less and less with every plugin that needs some more. Even worse, some functions have multiple shortcuts, e.g. the replace dialog can be called using each of Ctrl+Q H or Ctrl+R or Ctrl+H (what a waste!). … Continue reading A new way to call the experts in GExperts
Compiling GExperts while the DLL is loaded in the IDE
If you have tried to work on GExperts (or any other DLL-based Delphi IDE expert) you have probably encountered this annoyance: Of course you want GExperts to be active in your IDE so you can use its features. But if you then compile it, the output file already exists and is locked because it is … Continue reading Compiling GExperts while the DLL is loaded in the IDE
Backwards compatibility of uses lists
Sometimes the uses lists become an issue, when you want to keep your source code backwards compatible to older Delphi versions. This usually happens when some declaration was moved from one RTL/VCL unit to a different one. One example is TAction which has moved from the unit ActnList to the new unit Actions which was … Continue reading Backwards compatibility of uses lists
Automatically scroll a memo line by line in Delphi
Today vanity caught up with me and I decided to add myself to the list of "major contributors" shown on the GExperts About dialog. But this list has become rather long over the years (actually it is surprisingly short given the time GExperts has been in existence), so only the top few names are visible. … Continue reading Automatically scroll a memo line by line in Delphi