New Embarcadero Quality portal – new hope

Embarcadero has released Delphi 12.1 and at the same time opened their new Quality Portal.

I have now spent more than an hour reproducing, documenting and reporting several long-standing bugs, some of which have been around since Delphi 11.

Here are the links to my bug reports, if anyone wants to take a look (voting on a report is no longer possible in the new QP). I could probably report a dozen more, but these are the ones that get on my nerves the most.

  • Switching Desktops does not work properly when using some mixed High DPI und HD monitor setups (RSS-514)
  • IDE toolbars get scrambled over time (RSS-515)
  • IDE Menu does not display correctly when moving from one main menu item to another (RSS-516)

Note: One of the quirks of the new QP is that you can only see bugs reported by others if you have been added to the Embarcadero Customers group. This happens automatically when you file your first bug.