Since I keep forgetting which project is hosted where, here is a list of all(?) my open source projects as of 2018-10-06 with links to the pages where they are being hosted. Most of them are written in Delphi with some Lazarus (for Windows) sprinkled in. My old homepage still lists other stuff, some of … Continue reading List of my open source projects
Category: blog
Impressum und Datenschutzerklärung
Und damit der Amtschimmel was zum Wiehern hat, gibt es jetzt rechts oben Links zum Impressum und zur Datenschutzerklärung. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass die jeweiligen Generatoren etwas erzeugt haben, was nicht abmahnfähig ist. Mir persönlich gefällt insbesondere die Datenschutzerklärung nicht, denn laut DSGVO soll sie leicht verständlich sein, das was da drin steht, ist es … Continue reading Impressum und Datenschutzerklärung
Comments and lots of other features disabled
I have already spent too much time to make my site compliant with GDPR rules. I have disabled comments on all pages (also deleted existing comments) track backs options to like pages direct links to "social" media JetPack features, including site stats I have also tried to find and remove any requests my site sends … Continue reading Comments and lots of other features disabled
Hello world!
I managed to mess up my blog. The content is still there, but all the screenshots are missing since apparently they are not part of the export. Fortunately my hoster 1&1 makes a daily backup of my webspace which is stored for 6 days, so I could restore the pictures. (After praising them, let me … Continue reading Hello world!
WordPress update broke ssl
My hoster has updated my WordPress installation to the latest version (and broke it for several days). What they also did was disable my option to set the site address and wordpress address to https rather than http. So, now even though the site is still available through it now longer automatically forces https … Continue reading WordPress update broke ssl
Added Flattr for donations
Just in case you want to show your appreciation for my blog posts, my open source tools and libraries and my contributions to other tools and libraries, now you can: I have created a profile at Flattr and embedded a button in my blog. For now, this is mostly a test to see whether it … Continue reading Added Flattr for donations
Look mom! With https!
Just in case you haven't noticed: My blog is now also available via HTTPS.
Delphi Pipe
Since Delphi Feeds doesn't list my blog any more and generally isn't very fast in responding to requests for adding or removing feeds, I have created my own aggregated feed: Delphi Pipe. It's done with Yahoo Pipes and currently contains the following feeds in no particular order (*1): [wp-rss-aggregator limit="100"] Many of these are also … Continue reading Delphi Pipe
All registered users deleted and blocked
I just deleted over 700 "users" who registered to my blog. Most, I am sure, were just spam bots, I am sorry if some of you were real people. Registering is now blocked as is commenting. I got tired of all the notification e-mails from WordPress. In over a year there was only ever two … Continue reading All registered users deleted and blocked
Why my blog is no longer distributed via DelphiFeeds
Some of you might have wondered why my blog is no longer distributed via DelphiFeeds. The reason is not, that I don't want it to be, but apparently DelphiFeeds is no longer maintained. All my attempts to get my new blog added (and the old, defunct feed removed) failed. I am really sorry about this … Continue reading Why my blog is no longer distributed via DelphiFeeds