Impressum und Datenschutzerklärung

Und damit der Amtschimmel was zum Wiehern hat, gibt es jetzt rechts oben Links zum Impressum und zur Datenschutzerklärung. Bleibt zu hoffen, dass die jeweiligen Generatoren etwas erzeugt haben, was nicht abmahnfähig ist. Mir persönlich gefällt insbesondere die Datenschutzerklärung nicht, denn laut DSGVO soll sie leicht verständlich sein, das was da drin steht, ist es … Continue reading Impressum und Datenschutzerklärung

Hello world!

I managed to mess up my blog. The content is still there, but all the screenshots are missing since apparently they are not part of the export. Fortunately my hoster 1&1 makes a daily backup of my webspace which is stored for 6 days, so I could restore the pictures. (After praising them, let me … Continue reading Hello world!

Delphi Pipe

Since Delphi Feeds doesn't list my blog any more and generally isn't very fast in responding to requests for adding or removing feeds, I have created my own aggregated feed: Delphi Pipe. It's done with Yahoo Pipes and currently contains the following feeds in no particular order (*1): [wp-rss-aggregator limit="100"] Many of these are also … Continue reading Delphi Pipe