You may remember that I was forced to reduce GExperts support for Delphi 6 a while ago, because the IDE no longer started on my computer. It turns out that it was a GExperts bug after all.
The fix was simple once I knew what the problem was. And I only found out because carrchri, one of the few GExperts for Delphi 6 users, debugged it and told me. Thanks a lot!
When I was able to use the Delphi 6 IDE again I also fixed incompatibilities in the DFMs that prevented some of the dialogs open in Delphi 6.
So here is a new release. Apart from these two Delphi 6 related bug fixes there are some improvements to the code formatter also submitted by users:
- Christoph Schwerdtfeger submitted a patch for a particular formatting of the uses clause.
- DelphiCoder submitted a patch for Live Preview for the configuration dialog
Achim Kalwa again also submitted some patches for fixing bugs.
On top of that various High DPI display problems with Delphi 11 as well as a long standing display problem for owner drawn string grids (e.g. in the Uses Clause Manager) have been fixed.
The new GExperts version still supports all Delphi versions back to Delphi 6 (with the notable exception of Delphi 8).
As always: Report and any bugs you find (or contribute bug fixes) and also file feature requests or maybe even contribute implementations for these features.
It might take a while but I am always looking at those tickets when I find the time.
Head over to the GExperts download page to get it.
Discussion about this post in the international Delphi Praxis forum.