A few weeks back something happened with my Delphi 6 installation which now results in an access violation every time I start the IDE. I tried for several hours to find and fix the problem to no avail. It’s not GExperts related, disabling the DLL was the first thing I tried. Now I’m giving up. This will mean that while GExperts will still continue to support Delphi 6 and I will compile a dll with every release (as long as the command line compilation still works), I will not be able to debug and fix any issues.
If you are still using Delphi 6 you are invited to take over this task. I will of course mention you in the credits if you do.
(There is no money in GExperts, just whatever fame there still is left. I’m getting less in donations than I pay for this website. And I usually donate even that money to other tools that I use regularly.)
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