The Uses Clause Manager in GExperts has an "Identifier" tab that can be used instead of the Find Unit refactoring of the Delphi IDE (which for me doesn't work most of the time and if it does is very slow). And of course the Uses Clause Manager also works for older Delphi versions which simply … Continue reading Separate cache directories per platform in the Uses Clause Manager in GExperts
Month: August 2021
Separate lists for VCL and FMX in GExperts Rename Components expert
The Rename Components expert in GExperts now has separate lists for the names and additional properties for VCL and FMX components. Previously it was a hassle to have additional properties shown in the rename dialog if these have different names in VCL vs. FMX e.g. the Caption vs. Text property of TLabel. Now you simply … Continue reading Separate lists for VCL and FMX in GExperts Rename Components expert