Extract jpeg files from mjpeg video on Linux

Just in case I ever need it again: Extracting all frames from an mjpeg video as jpegs is easy and very fast with ffmpeg, because it does not need to decode and encode the pictures, just prepend the DHT to each one: [bash] ffmpeg -i inputmpeg.avi -c:v copy -bsf:v mjpeg2jpeg frame_%d.jpg [/bash] Source ffmpeg documentation.

Delphi’s TStream.Read returns the number of bytes read

Note to self: TStream.Read in the Delphi RTL returns the number of bytes read. It does not check whether the intended number of bytes could actually be read. So if you do not check it yourself, call TStream.ReadBuffer instead. So, it's either: [delphi] var st: TFileStream; Buffer: array[0..7] of Byte; BytesRead: Integer; begin st := … Continue reading Delphi’s TStream.Read returns the number of bytes read