I always wanted to know how many people use my experimental version of GExperts but never came around to actually evaluate the download counts. Today I finally did it. In total there were 9092 file downloads from downloads.dummzeuch.de/GExperts. Since in 2016-05-07 I switched from ZIP files containing all DLLs to installers for each Delphi version it is a bit difficult to know how many downloads for which version there were, so I evaluated the ZIP files and installers separately.
The ZIP files had 1663 downloads where the three most popular ones were the releases from:
- 2016-02-15 (388 downloads)
- 2015-04-11 (277 downloads)
- 2015-09-06 (258 downloads)
There is much more information to be gained from the 7429 installer downloads:
The most popular Unicode-Delphi versions seem to be
- Delphi 10.1 (5366 downloads)
- Delphi 10.2 (416 downloads)
- Delphi 10 (377 downloads)
- Delphi XE7 (123 downloads)
The pre-Unicode versions in descending popularity are:
- Delphi 2007 (218 downloads)
- Delphi 7 (209 downloads)
- Delphi 2006 (55 downloads)
- Delphi 6 (46 downloads)
- Delphi 2005 (18 downloads)
The most popular releases in descending order are:
- 2016-10-03 (1497 downloads)
- 2016-06-05 (1488 downloads)
- 2017-03-19 (1349 downloads)
- 2011-01-15 (1255 downloads)
All others had less than 500 downloads.
The downloads for the most recent releases are:
- 2018-06-03 228 downloads
- 2018-03-31 133 downloads
- 2017-04-01 256 downloads
- 2017-03-19 1349 downloads
I think it’s a bit worrying that the last release with more than 1000 downloads is more than a year old.
These statistics can of course not count those people who rather than using an installer just check out the sources and compile their own DLLs, but I don’t think there are that many who do that.
Also, there are of course the downloads from SourceForge which still remain popular even though the latest release there is my experimental release from 2017-03-19. There have been 1292 downloads from SourceForge in 2018-06 to date and about 2000 monthly for the last few months. The all time high peak was in 2012-03 with more than 100000 downloads (I’m not sure that this is correct though, it’s so much higher than the all time average.).
My conclusion is that I probably couldn’t make a living from working on GExperts even if everyone who downloads it did actually donate the suggested 50 Euros per year which is by far not the case.