Given that the last Delphi release was more than a year ago and that I am about to go on vacation so I won’t be able to download and install a new version I would expect a new Delphi release pretty soon. On the other hand this time I actually managed to extend “my” subscription on time so in theory I could download the new version immediately when it becomes available, so the release might still be some time off.
(Greetings from Mr. Murphy)
Anyway, I thought it to be the right time to make a new GExperts release. I even managed to update the version number to 1.3.10 in the executables as well as in the installers and update a few of the auxiliary files.
I have created installers for all supported Delphi versions and I even tested them a bit on some fresh Delphi installations. They do work! How amazing is that?
New features include:
- GExperts Usage Statistics
- An updated Uses Clause Manager about which I have yet to blog.
There were also several bug fixes including 3 Unicode issues.
I am pretty sure this new release is more stable than the previous one.
But anyway:
Please be aware that I mostly work with Delphi 2007, so this version can be regarded as tested quite well, followed by Delphi XE2. The others are only known to compile and new features are usually tested superficially with all versions. This is particularly true for Delphi 6/7 and 2005/2006.
Head over to the Experimental GExperts page to download the latest release.