Blog officially moved to

As of today, I have moved my blog from my old home page to this new, WordPress based blog on The old page will continue to be available under the old url, but if you want to follow me, you should change your bookmarks and rss feeds to this new blog.

The reasons for the change are:

  • I wanted a more modern approach than my home grown, template based system, which used webmake to generate the actual html pages. Some functions were broken because they relied on a specific webmake version, in particular each update resulted in uploading all the html files to the server. I tried to fix this problem several times but somehow never managed to finish, most times I got interrupted (life has a tendency to intrude on my online activities 😉 ) or lost interest.
  • The frequency of my blog posts have been in decline for several years. One reason was that I had to power up my netbook with the webmake installation and sources for every post. I couldn’t be bothered too often to do that. I hope that being able to post from any computer will result in more frequent posts.

Also I will abandon posting in English and German. Most of my readers do read English, so I will not bother with content in German any more.