Experimental GExperts Version 1.37-2014-04-16 released

Following up on Erik's overnight surprise release of GExperts for Delphi XE6, here is a new release of my experimental version with the code formatter. The DLLs for all Delphi versions supported by the official GExperts are included. BE WARNED: This version has only tested in so far, that it can be installed into Delphi … Continue reading Experimental GExperts Version 1.37-2014-04-16 released

Experimental GExperts Version 1.37-2014-04-12 released

The latest version is the first version that supports Delphi XE5 and also officially XE4. There is nothing really new about the formatter code. But the new release can be installed even if you don't have the official GExperts installer (yet). This is an extract from the readme file: ** Installing without an official installer … Continue reading Experimental GExperts Version 1.37-2014-04-12 released

GExperts Formatter features you didn’t know about

I am sure you did not know about these features (I had forgotten about them myself): You can save your own custom configuration as FormatterSettings-<YourName>.ini into the GExperts installation directory. After you did that, you can select this configuration in the same way you can the preinstalled configurations. If you want to format a unit … Continue reading GExperts Formatter features you didn’t know about

GExperts formatter bug fixed, waiting for code sample which made the change necessary

Uli Gerhard found a bug which was introduced in the last version of GExperts. It resulted in code after class declarations in the implementation section to be formatted incorrectly: [delphi] unit SomeUnit; interface implementation type TSomeClass = class constructor Create; end; constructor TSomeClass.Create; begin end; end. [/delphi] During the formatting, the space between constructor and … Continue reading GExperts formatter bug fixed, waiting for code sample which made the change necessary