... but only in the code currently in SVN. There is no new release yet. That was easier than I thought: As of revision #4112 the formatter now actually does support multi line string literals. And only those unit tests that already failed still fail. Of course that does not mean that I have not … Continue reading GExperts Code Formatter now supports multi line string literals, but …
Month: November 2023
GExperts Code Formatter does not support multi line strings
I expected this but just confirmed it: The GExperts code formatter does not handle multi line strings correctly (bug #337) For now the workaround is using the comment to prevent formatting (configured on the Misc tab of the formatter configuration dialog): Use it like this: [delphi] const {(*} bla = ''' first line seconde line … Continue reading GExperts Code Formatter does not support multi line strings
Delphi Help Expert updated for Delphi 12
I have updated my Delphi Help Expert to support Delphi 12. It still supports all Delphi versions from 2005 onwards.
tdbf Packages for Delphi 12
There are now packages for Delphi 12 in the repository. Be warned though: They compile and install into the IDE but I haven't done any tests at all.
Delphi Known IDE Packages Manager updated to Delphi 12
I updated the KnownIdePackagesManager tool to support Delphi 12.
dzPackageInst 1.0.4 for Delphi released
The new version adds support for Delphi 10.3 to 12 Download is available from the project page on SourceForge.
dzDelphiPaths tool updated for Delphi 12
I have just updated my dzDelphiPaths tool to support Delphi 12.
dzBdsLauncher 1.0.11 released with support for Delphi 12
I just released dzBdsLauncher 1.0.11. The only change is support for detecting .dproj files created by Delphi 12 (these have a ProjectVersion of 20.1).
Delphi Tools Manager 1.0.3 released with support for Delphi 12
I just released Delphi Tools Manager 1.0.3 which now supports Delphi 6 to 12 (including all the versions with the odd names in between).
Delphi IDE explorer expert updated for Delphi 12
I have updated my Delphi IDE explorer expert to work with Delphi 12.