Just in time before April fools day 2019 there is the new GExperts release (it’s still 2019-03-30 so you are safe 😉 ).
Please be aware that I mostly work with Delphi 2007, so this version can be regarded as tested quite well, followed by Delphi XE2. The others are only known to compile and new features are usually tested superficially with all versions. This is particularly true for Delphi 6/7 and 2005/2006.
If you want to help by testing new versions before I release them, please contact me e.g. via Delphi Praxis (link on the side bar) or via the Send Message button on my Sourceforge profile. You may also consider contributing to GExperts. You are supposedly a Delphi developer yourself and it’s not rocket science after all.
Head over to the Experimental GExperts page to download the latest release.
I will blog about the new features later. I have to look them up myself. 😉
Discussion about this post in the international Delphi Praxis forum.