New features in GExperts

GExperts has recently gained a few new features:

  • Two new experts to start/stop recording and to replay a keyboard macro. These are minimal experts which allow you to add additional keyboard shortcuts to the existing IDE functionality. The idea and the code were contributed by Dejan M.
  • Goto Previous / Next modification Editor Experts. These again are minimal experts that create menu items for existing functionality of the IDE. They are only available in Delphi XE5 and later. The idea comes from Kryvich who has also written an IDE plugin for that functionality.
  • The Identfier tab I had already introduced into the Uses Clause Manager is now much more useful, because it fills much faster and because of the speed improvement now by default parses all units in the search path, not just the favorites.
  • The Set Tab Order expert now has two buttons to set the tab order by position. It also has buttons to move a control up or down in the sort order like in the Edit Tab Order dialog of the IDE, but these button have keyboard shortcuts.
  • The Remove Matching Lines editor expert in its default configuration removes the useless and annoying { Private declarations } etc. comments that are automatically added by the IDE for a new form. It can be configured to delete lines that match other text.
  • The Favorite Files expert can now optionally add a new menu entry to the Files menu showing the configured files.
  • And of course there is support for Delphi 10.3 Rio, currently as Beta 3 but you can expect a normal release shortly (maybe as early as later today).

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