It just took me quite a while to find this information so I'll put it here for future reference. A Firemonkey application can not just access the clipboard, it needs to ask the platform whether it actually has one, then get the service interface and use that. uses Fmx.Platform; [...] function TryGetClipboardService(out _clp: IFMXClipboardService): boolean; … Continue reading Accessing the clipboard in a Firemonkey application
Day: February 28, 2015
Updated dzEditorLineEndsFix
I have just updated dzEditorLineEndsFix to address a small problem: The tool can be too fast so the file is already gone when Delphi tries to access it. It now waits 200 ms after detecting the file creation before moving it. This should solve the issue. It's available for download from the dzEditorLineEndsFix page on … Continue reading Updated dzEditorLineEndsFix