Delphi allows to write Console applications as well as GUI applications, while the latter is the default. But "Console" application is not clearly defined in the documentation as I found out only today (and I have been programming in Delphi for about 20 years). There is the {$AppType Console} compiler directive which corresponds to the … Continue reading Delphi Console Applications
Day: April 10, 2014
Creating DLLs with Delphi
I just stumbled upon an article on The Delphi Wiki that I wrote years ago: Creating DLLs It's still mostly valid. There have been some improvements in newer Delphi versions, in particular since Delphi 2006 you no longer need the borlndmm.dll if you want to use ShareMem. (But still: Using ShareMem means that your DLL … Continue reading Creating DLLs with Delphi