project.exe is open in another program errors

I have been using two tools to add additional data to my executable files in post build scripts for years: assemble.exe from GNUGettext for Delphi MakeJclDbg.exe from Project Jedi Both tools open the freshly built executable and append chunks of data to it. And both started to fail with the error “[project].exe is open in … Continue reading project.exe is open in another program errors

GnuGetText.pas using Utf8ToUnicodeString instead of Utf8ToWideString

A few weeks ago, Sue King contacted me because there was a problem with using dxGetText together with the Nexus DB components. For Unicode aware Delphi versions gnugettext.pas declares a function utf8decode which calls System.UTF8ToWideString. After replacing a call to utf8decode with UTF8ToUnicodeString the problem went away. Since I don’t want to break backwards compatibility … Continue reading GnuGetText.pas using Utf8ToUnicodeString instead of Utf8ToWideString

Enable debug logging in gnugettext.pas

gnugettext.pas has got a conditional define called DXGETTEXTDEBUG. If it is defined, various debug messages are written to a MemoryStream. That won’t help much, if you can’t read that stream, so you need a way to write that stream to a file. Guess what, that’s easily possible. Just call DefaultInstance.DebugLogToFile passing it a file name … Continue reading Enable debug logging in gnugettext.pas