Embarcadero has released a second patch (called November Patch) for Delphi 11 which seems to fix several issues that blocked further progress on GExperts for Delphi 11. So here it is, fresh out of the compiler: The second Alpha version of GExperts for Delphi 11.
Please keep in mind: This is not even a Beta version! There will be bugs and these will not only be UI glitches but functionality failures!
You have been warned!
You will most likely need the Delphi 11 November patch for GExperts 1.3.19 Alpha 2 to work. I have not tried it with the unpatched IDE and I won’t support it.
If you still want to try it, you can download it here.
Please report any bugs on SourceForge!
There are no updates for older Delphi versions yet, but you can always get the sources and compile your own DLL.
Also, if you want to try and fix some bugs in the Delphi 11 version yourself, see the link above. I’ll gladly accept patches.