GExperts 1.38 experimental twm 2016-07-24 released

This is another test release before Erik is going to do an official 1.39 release. Please report any bugs you may find (preferentially in the GExperts community on Google+ or the bug tracker on SourceForge) Again, I have built installers for each Delphi version. These installers should install everything that is necessary, including the files … Continue reading GExperts 1.38 experimental twm 2016-07-24 released

Default color of a hint window

Since it doesn't seem to be documented anywhere and at least in Delphi 2007 there is no constant for it: The default background color of a hint window is [delphi] const clHintColor = $80FFFF; [/delphi] (Taken from THintWindow.Create)

Opening an explorer window from the folder select dialog

Ever used a program that showed one of the folder select dialogs and you wanted to open a normal explorer window showing that folder? There is no button for that and no entry in the popup menu, but you can add one: Create a new shortcut in C:\Users\≶yourname>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo Enter "Explorer" as the location and name … Continue reading Opening an explorer window from the folder select dialog