Note to self: Delphi's Advanced Records are also available in Lazarus / Free Pascal, but only if they have been explicitly enabled with the modeswitch compiler directive: [delphi] unit SomeUnit; {$mode objfpc}{$H+}{$modeswitch advancedrecords} interface type TSomeRecord = record FSomeField: integer; function SomeMethod: integer; end; implementation function TSomeRecord.SomeMethod: integer; begin Result := FSomeField; end; end. [/delphi] … Continue reading Advanced Records in Lazarus / fpc
Month: October 2017
Denkzettel Companion 0.0.4 released
I have just released version 0.0.4 of my Denkzettel Companion tool. (It was available from OSDN, but OSDN no longer exists.) This version adds persisting the window position and size in the registry.
I’m no longer accepting GExperts donations via Flattr
Flattr have changed their terms an conditions. Since I haven't received a single cent via Flattr, I really can't be bothered what exactly they have changed and whether that's good or bad for me personally. So I have closed that account for good. That leaves only PayPal, if you want to make a donation to … Continue reading I’m no longer accepting GExperts donations via Flattr
Enhancements to GExperts Grep
Jeroen has submitted two enhancements to GExperts: Grep search makes IDE unresponsive when searching massive amounts of directories with non-matching files Allow delete key in grep search `Results` pane to delete an entry Thanks! I am still working on the refactoring for the IDE form enhancements, but progress is slow, so the next release will … Continue reading Enhancements to GExperts Grep